to day I learned some tactics for fundraising. I learned what a cold pitch and a warm pitch are and what is part of a good elevator pitch. A warm pitch is when you approach people you know you want to help you fund raise a cold pitch is when you email random people not expecting that they will be part of your fund raise but hoping they will.
I learned some new features about Snapchat. I learned that you can gain followers by shouting people out and that stories will disappear after 24 hours. I also learned about the survey that give you money.
I learned about the different ways to grow and monetize your different social medias.
I learned there are two different types of business. A sole proprietor and a corporation. You do not need to register to become a sole proprietor while you do for your business to be considered a corporation. I also learned that a good business plan is vital to having a successful business.
I learned, that to be an entrepreneur you have to be very compassionate about what you do or you will not be motivated enough to be successful. A perk to being an entrepreneur is that there is no limit to the amount of money you make. I also learned that until your startup makes money it is not considered a business.
I learned that it is possible to save a lot of money by not buying a lot of non-essentials. I also learned that it is important to find a mentor as it will help you with your career. I also learned that most stress is over things that are little and that you can get rid of it by not caring. Another way you can get rid of stress is by cutting out the people in your life that have a negative influence.
I learned that it is worth sacrificing money for time because time is most valuable. Some ways you can do this is by buying a dishwasher or a house that is closer to work so that you can save time. I also learned that your online image is very important; there were potential Harvard students that were rejected because of bad memes. I also learned some tips on how to do remote work better and different payment methods that are used for business.