Hello everyone,my name is saeeda saeed suleiman. A student from techie youth. Adamawa state, nigeria.
Today,I'd like to share with you what I've learnt from techie youth.
I've learnt fundamentals of working remotely.
Working remotely requires your own sense of discipline. No supervisor or boss watching your activities.
Most work from home require;
Self control
Self discipline
A reasonably -quiet working area away from distractions and noise.
Thank you.
Hello everyone, Welcome to my blog.
My name is saeeda saeeda saeed suleiman. Student from techie youth,Adamawa state, Nigeria. I'm here to share with you what I've learnt from techie youth. I've learnt working remotely.
First of all,what is a remote job?
A remote job is a work that can be carried out anywhere in the world without being in a specific area or environment.
Who is a remote employee?
A remote employee is the person that does the remote job
Who is a remote employer?
A remote employer is the person that offers the remote job.
Here are some reasons and motivations of working remotely.
Productivity:Being a remote worker,reporting your health condition isn't necessary.
Productivity: One go thing about being a remote worker is Productivity. It grants you the ability to be productive.
Mobility: As long as there is a good internet access,you can carry out your remote job perfectly .
Thank you